Gabreal Asenge Memorial Page

Gabreal Asenge (1949-2021)

The congregation of Balacalva and St Kilda join with Rose & Peter and their three children mourning the tragic death of Gabrael Asenge, Rose's father, on Sunday 10 January 2021 in Abuja, Nigeria.

Gabarel was born in Benue State, east central Nigera. His schooling was interupted by the Nigerian civil war. But he returned to study, eventually receiving a PhD in cytogentics from Jos University. He had a long and distinguished career eventually becoming the Dean, Faculty of Computing and Applied Sciences at Baze University, Abuja in 2018. Hi primary research areas were plant tissue culture, focusing on the development of drought-tolerant plant types.

Gabarel was married with four children. He loved the Lord Jesus and valued Biblical preaching.