
We have good news. Despite human evil, Jesus the Messiah is God the Son who experienced both life and death on earth. Jesus was crucified by the Romans, but he died in order to rescue you from evil, the devil and ourselves. On the third day Jesus rose from the dead. After appearing to lots of people he returned to his heavenly Father and promised he’d return one day to judge the living and the dead.

We invite you to learn more about Jesus and why he died for you. You could start by reading about Jesus in one of the shortest biographies of Jesus called the Gospel of Mark. We’d also love to help answer your questions about Jesus, meaning or the universe. Or if you’d like a detailed historical description of Jesus, then Jesus: A Very Short Introduction by Richard Bauckham and published by the Oxford University Press is a great place to start. If you’re passing through St Kilda and would like a free copy contact us and we’ll give you one.

This five minute animated video from the Bible Project is another great way to learn about who Jesus is.